August 2020 Newsletter

What’s semantic memory and how to improve it?

Semantic memory refers to the general world knowledge we’ve accumulated throughout our lives. This general knowledge such as facts, ideas, meaning and concepts is intertwined in experience and dependent on culture. Together, these shape our view of the world and ourselves. But, to put it in simpler terms, our semantic memory is our store of factual knowledge of the world and the meaning of words. And as these definitions infer, semantic memory is critical to our survival.

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Study links increased exercise with lower sleep apnea risk

A study published in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine found that increased physical activity is associated with a lower risk of obstructive sleep apnea, a common sleep-related breathing disorder. Researchers reviewed lifestyle, medical, socio-demographic and sleep health data collected from more than 155,000 adults participating in the Ontario Health Study. Based on the physical activity of participants with and without sleep apnea, the investigators determined that a modest increase in physical activity, including walking, is associated with a 10 percent reduction in the risk of developing sleep apnea.

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Hearing aids linked to lower risk of dementia, depression, falls

Older adults who get a hearing aid for a newly diagnosed hearing loss have a lower risk of being diagnosed with dementia, depression or anxiety for the first time over the next three years, and a lower risk of suffering fall-related injuries, than those who leave their hearing loss uncorrected, a new study finds. Researchers studied individuals with hearing loss one year before their diagnosis, and three years after, so they could see only newly diagnosed dementia, depression, anxiety and fall injuries.

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